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Va>< / Unva>< Various articles on the death shots

1. FDA Authorizes New Updated COVID Vaccines + More 2. FDA Authorizes New Updated COVID Vaccines 3. FBI, HHS Stonewalling Congress Over Illegal Chinese COVID Lab in California + 6 more

4.  CORONAVIRUS/Taiwan Man to Receive NT$450,000 Payout in COVID Vaccine Case

5.  COVID Booster Warning From Florida Surgeon General, Who Advises People Not to Get New Vaccine

6.  U.S. CDC Says Existing Antibodies Can Work Against New COVID Variant

7.  Pfizer and Moderna Are Pushing the New COVID Booster. Should You Get It? The CDC Is About to Decide.

8.  Fauci: We ‘Need to Be Prepared’ for Likely COVID Uptick This Winter

9.  COVID Vaccine Rollout Begins Early in the U.K. With New Variant Under Watch

Unbelievable.  It's almost as if the hell they've put us through was all just a bad dream.  Do you feel as if we've totally been ignored?   Why aren't they locked up?  What's different?!  Anyway . . .  here's the link for those who aren't already burned out on all this.:


Kathryn Vickerman

State Assistant

Missouri 8


Vt Supreme Court: Parents CAN’T SUE school for injecting 6-yr-old with Covid shot w/o their consent

Aug 9, 2024 Aug 9, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/7f9bc489-a837-443a-9781-b4e1251d68f3 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/7f9bc489-a837-443a-9781-b4e1251d68f3 Permalink (Alt)

The Vermont Supreme Court (VTSC) has ruled that the parents of a six-year-old boy cannot sue a school after the child was illegally injected with a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) shot.

In its July 26 decision, the highest court of the Green Mountain State rejected the lawsuit filed by the parents of six-year-old L.P. against the Windham Southeast School District (WSESD). This is because state officials, including officials in the public school system, are protected from liability under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005.



Then WE need to do something to change that!

Kathryn Vickerman

State Assistant

Missouri 8


The mRNA vaccine injury pandemic is sweeping the globe right now

Jul 26, 2024 Jul 26, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/3419d18c-b313-497c-9156-e49cb0467f98 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/3419d18c-b313-497c-9156-e49cb0467f98 Permalink (Alt)

Prayerfully, after long last,  these articles will provide hope & help to those who need it

Vaccine Injury Compensation Modernization Act

 This act addresses the backlog of cases and increases compensation caps that have been in place for nearly 4 decades. 

Urge your representative to co-sponsor or vote YES on HR 5142, introduced by Rep Dogget (D) TX and Smucker (R) PA. Also, you should urge your senator to draft a companion bill, and you can literally work with the help committee to draft this bill. 

The mRNA vaccines literally wake up cancer,   Full detils of article: 




European Court of Justice rules against Pfizer & the E.C’s secretive, liability-free contracts

Jul 26, 2024 Jul 26, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/e88ce82a-7721-4a8a-abae-cca2057b5a87 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/e88ce82a-7721-4a8a-abae-cca2057b5a87 Permalink (Alt)
  • the European Commission wrongfully withheld critical details regarding its multi-billion-euro contracts with Pfizer, for the mass distribution of their so-called (SO NICE to FINALLY see someone in the media use the term "so-called  vaccines" for these bioweapons) COVID-19 vaccines
  • This decision marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing scrutiny facing European Commission President Ursula von der Leyenwho is already under fire for privately conspiring with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to mass distribute Pfizer’s experimental shots.
  • she privately texted Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla to secure 11 contracts, 4.6 billion in vaccines, while transferring €71 billion of public money to Big Pharma. (Wonder what HER kick back was?)
  • This liability-free contract protects Pfizer, while exploiting all Europeans without recourse when the vaccines damage them. 

European Court exposes corrupt EU and opens up possibility of lawsuits against Pfizer

Pfizer can be held accountable for “defective product” despite its secret indemnity clause signed with the EU

Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers could be held liable for damages resulting from vaccine defects

If more people knew that Pfizer was conspiring with the EU and crafting a secret indemnity clause when their vaccine harmed people, then there would have been far less participation in the global vaccine agenda, and ultimately more lives would have been spared.



Maria Zeee & Dr. Laibow: Doc Reveal PANDEMIC PLAN AHEAD OF ELECTION?

Jul 26, 2024 Jul 26, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/20e25100-ac46-4a11-96c9-f0297e0fc4e2 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/20e25100-ac46-4a11-96c9-f0297e0fc4e2 Permalink (Alt)

RIGHT, Dr. Laibow!  The cabal U.S. (+U.N., MSM & other alphabet agencies) ARE the core of the death machine.  The game plan this time around will be the same except Mr. Global underestimated the People last time & will probably make sure they don't make the same mistake this time.  Attacks on the internet, cell service & even power grid will surely increase & we may even see use of some of their hidden techology against us &, of course A.I.  Who knows?  They've deliberately kept the knowledge from us for a very long time.  They didn't build hundreds of D.U.M.B's & private billion dollar bunkers out of boredom.  

This was an inspiring video.  We should NOT fear but be MOTIVATED.  Remember the words of Catherine Fitz:  "Cash is KING!"  Mr. Global does NOT like us using cash or checks & is STILL discouraging AND bribing merchants & financial institutions from accepting CASH.  CASH is Mr. Global's achilles heel - kryptonite.  The MORE we use digital transactions, the more we play right into their hands.  Digital transactions are probably the LAST link in the handcuffs which Mr. Global has to lock us down into their "Smart" cities or 15 minute cities.  

This 57 minute video by Maria is FULL of important information relative to possible moves against us by Mr. Global & countrer measures we may possibly have.  





Jul 21, 2024 Jul 21, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/9386038e-de08-47f0-b486-9ef35d9c5665 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/9386038e-de08-47f0-b486-9ef35d9c5665 Permalink (Alt)

COVID Vax Bombshell: Terrifying Death Toll Finally Exposed

Jul 20, 2024 Jul 20, 2024
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The Lancet pulled w/in 24 hours is finally seeing the light of day after being peer-reviewed. You'll never guess what percentage of deaths were attributable to COVID-19 vaccine injuries. This is horrifying.




The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children. Vaccines Are Main Cause Of SIDS

Jul 20, 2024 Jul 20, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/06957e9d-ff14-449a-a506-21842bc91de9 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/06957e9d-ff14-449a-a506-21842bc91de9 Permalink (Alt)

Gov't Contractor Exposes Planning of Profitable Lethal Injections.

Jul 20, 2024 Jul 20, 2024
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"Investors will respond if  they see profits at the end of the process."




Jul 20, 2024 Jul 20, 2024
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Study Exposes 37% Drop In Life Expectancy Among Vaxxed!





“Japan has An Entire Stadium That Seats 40,000 & This Is Where They Are Going Mass Jab People.

Jul 19, 2024 Jul 19, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/0ccfa56e-3b6c-43f9-a113-6680a9242354 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/0ccfa56e-3b6c-43f9-a113-6680a9242354 Permalink (Alt)

“Japan has An Entire Stadium That Seats 40,000 People And This Is Where They Are Going Mass Jab People. On Friday 6/14 & Friday 6/21, They Are Going to Be Jabbing People. It's a Straight Up Genocide." - Michael Yon  

I thought the jab was being put on hold due to the adverse effects & being classified as a bioweapon & being pulled from the shelves.  I researched to see if this was a really old article But I researched & the days/dates match up to the 2024 calendar!  James Corbet (of Corbet Report) lives in Japan so I researched to see if any word from him about this – nope!  The CNN journalist talking to Rashid Battar in the video about getting the jab died Dec. 2022 & Dr. Battar murdered – said he was given 200 times dose of jab after combative interview with CNN reporter who’d taken the jab & Bataar stated jabbed people are ticking time bombs (he was very outspoken opponent of the jab) – died May 2023.  CNN claimed their reporter battled cancer a “long time” but, IMHO, it’s highly doubtful.




“Japan has An Entire Stadium That Seats 40,000. This Is Where They Are Going Mass Jab People."

Jul 19, 2024 Jul 19, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/c4ed5d94-b0d5-46f4-9da5-9733108b92c5 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/c4ed5d94-b0d5-46f4-9da5-9733108b92c5 Permalink (Alt)

 “Japan has An Entire Stadium That Seats 40,000 People And This Is Where They Are Going Mass Jab People. On Friday 6/14 & Friday 6/21, They Are Going to Be Jabbing People. It's a Straight Up Genocide." - Michael Yon    I thought the jab was being put on hold due to the adverse effects & being classified as a bioweapon & being pulled from the shelves.  I researched to see if this was a really old article But I researched & the days/dates match up to the 2024 calendar!  James Corbet (of Corbet Report) lives in Japan so I researched to see if any word from him about this – nope!  The CNN journalist talking to Rashid Battar in the video about getting the jab died Dec. 2022 & Dr. Battar murdered – said he was given 200 times dose of jab after combative interview with CNN reporter who’d taken the jab & Bataar stated jabbed people are ticking time bombs (he was very outspoken opponent of the jab) – died May 2023.  CNN claimed their reporter battled cancer a “long time” but, IMHO, it’s highly doubtful.




NATIONAL WARNING of surge of dengue fever | ALREADY 9.7M INFECTED

Jul 17, 2024 Jul 17, 2024
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Jul 17, 2024 Jul 17, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/6aeb7b7e-6700-4597-8793-ba633db7d599 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/6aeb7b7e-6700-4597-8793-ba633db7d599 Permalink (Alt)

🚨HAPPENING NOW! Have you heard this?


By the way, its not good! The Farmer is the Target of the Elites and they keep telling you!




Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don't Even Know It

Feb 6, 2024 Feb 6, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/84d19c29-5457-42b1-a068-7c6384a59d0e https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/84d19c29-5457-42b1-a068-7c6384a59d0e Permalink (Alt)

Banned in Europe, big pharma is making a killing selling this dangerous Rx drug to dumbed down Americans who choose to rely on Big pharma's sorcery rather than be selective about what they put on their plate & EXERCISE.  THIS is nothing but stepping up to the plate to be Big Pharma's lab rat & SURE to suffer the consequences OF TRUSTING these murderous psychopaths - again.  WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN?  TURN OFF THE TV.  STOP TAKING Big Pharma's TOXIC meds.  NOTHING is different this time than with all their lies during the scamdemic.  It's just another slow kill & people will be BACK in the licensed drug pusher's office to get the latest toxic drug to treat the side effects of the drug that's currently killing you - like a snake biting itself itself in the tail.  These licensed drug pushers probably immediately see "CHUMP" tattooed on the forehead of those gullible people who will sacrifice their life - believing Big Pharma's lies that they can keep eating junk food with no consequences just so long as they keep taking this shot without a word being mentioned that a change in the patient's lifestyle AND eating habits would be required.  

IMHO it should ILLEGAL to take something so harmful when there are MANY healthy effective natural remedies to reverse diabetes.  I speak from PERSONAL experience but I had to STOP doing what caused it but several other health issues disappeared with the diabetes.  The unhealthy eating habits & lifestyle disappeared BEFORE the illnesses did.  

These "physicians" are smart enough to NOT take the drug themselves but they'll  GLADLY GIVE IT TO YOU - BECAUSE YOU TAKING THE DRUG IS GOOD FOR THEM (their bank account).   

If you tell your "physician" you'll take the drug if they'll TRUTHFULLY answer ONE question: "Will this drug FIX the problem once & for all?"  IF they're HONEST &, according to the drug package insert, they will NOT be able to answer "yes".  NOTHING will be fixed but EVERYONE benefits while YOU LOSE!  

If EVERYONE asked their doctor BEFORE taking a Rx, the pharmacy would go out of business BUT the natural remedy business would sky rocket & there'd be MORE healthy people & LESS deaths.  


Is this drug too good to be true? Tucker Carlson and Calley Means discuss.

Follow Tucker on X: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson

Text “TUCKER” to 44055 for exclusive updates!

Kathryn Vickerman

Missouri 8 State Assistant


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of His Own Platform’s New Policy

Sep 29, 2023 Sep 29, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/de2027dc-f5e8-481c-90b5-16df71222d30 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/de2027dc-f5e8-481c-90b5-16df71222d30 Permalink (Alt)


Sep 29, 2023 Sep 29, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/3af8bf18-9040-4654-b0a4-50d7bdd0ca84 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/3af8bf18-9040-4654-b0a4-50d7bdd0ca84 Permalink (Alt)


One of the very first recipients of the death shot, the massive amount of lies convincing him to take the poison poke, the adverse effects that followed, being maimed by allopathic physicians, the lifetime life-altering effects, the back peddling of those responsible and yet we're still hearing the SAME 3-word lies today - "safe & effective" & how many lives saved yet - truth is . . . the ONLY lives "SAVED" were the ones who DIDN'T take the jab.


FDA set to approve new COVID-19 booster shots that are utterly lacking safety trials or evidence of efficacy

Sep 13, 2023 Sep 13, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/735fde20-1c35-4b57-b525-93609cbdaae4 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/735fde20-1c35-4b57-b525-93609cbdaae4 Permalink (Alt)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is likely to greenlight new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) booster shots that are expected to hit the market as early as this month. The news comes amid reports of renewed COVID-19-related measures and worries that full-scale pandemic mandates could make a pre-election comeback.

The latest COVID-19 booster shots will allegedly "protect against severe disease and death from currently circulating variants."

Reports revealed that the U.S. will likely approve new boosters that have been reportedly formulated to protect against the XBB.1.5. variant of the coronavirus, a subvariant of omicron.

Officials also claim that the booster shots will be effective against the most recently observed strain, BA.2.86.

CDC advisory panel to consider vaccination recommendations

On Tuesday, Sept. 12, an advisory panel for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will consider their vaccination recommendations "based upon eligibility."

Read entire article here:  https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-12-fda-to-approve-new-covid-booster-shots.html

Kathryn Vickerman

State Assistant

Missouri 8


Study links Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to VAIDS in children By Zoey Sky // Sep 08, 2023

Sep 12, 2023 Sep 12, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/e84361f7-5894-4e70-8d6b-a4cfba88b2be https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/e84361f7-5894-4e70-8d6b-a4cfba88b2be Permalink (Alt)

According to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers, children vaccinated with Pfizer's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine eventually developed weakened immune systems and diminished immune responses months after vaccination.

The study was titled "BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and Toll-like receptor agonists."

For the study, researchers from Australia tested the cytokine responses of 29 children aged five to 11 before their first dose of Pfizer BioNTech's vaccine and 28 days after their second dose.

Upon examining data from the young volunteers, the researchers found that "vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous stimulants, particularly one month after vaccination." 

Read entire article here:  



SCIENCE FRAUD: Pfizer’s COVID jab “placebo” control group was given MODERNA “vaccine” instead, preprint confirms

Sep 12, 2023 Sep 12, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/79bebadf-7b8b-4fb6-867a-5158a65bf140 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/79bebadf-7b8b-4fb6-867a-5158a65bf140 Permalink (Alt)

09/07/2023 // Ethan Huff

New research published at Preprints.org reveals that the so-called "placebo" injections used in Pfizer's Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccine" trials were not real placebos.

Entitled "Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial," the paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, looked at 38 trial subjects who died between July 27, 2020, when Phase 2 / 3 of Pfizer's clinical trial began, and March 12, 2021, at the conclusion of Pfizer's six-month interim report on the results. 

Read entire article here:  https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-07-pfizer-covid-jab-placebo-given-moderna-vaccine.html


Florida County Asks Gov. Ron DeSantis to Make COVID Injections Illegal

Sep 12, 2023 Sep 12, 2023
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(July 18, 2023) Anthony Sabatini (R-FL) and Nick Caturano weigh in on the new demands to have Florida ban the COVID mRNA bioweapon injections.  



Dr. David Martin - Want to hear how Dr. Peter Daszak telegraphed his criminal contribution to the last 4 years?

Sep 12, 2023 Sep 12, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/va-unva-various-articles-on-the-death-shots/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/1d483b4a-42ed-424f-8bc8-ba3250674217 https://pplsrghts.net/80e22593-b901-48c0-9380-438117211654/1d483b4a-42ed-424f-8bc8-ba3250674217 Permalink (Alt)

"This is the admission of a serial killer & they're getting away with it."  https://www.bitchute.com/video/lAjPG9t9xLXu/

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