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What to Do When Someone Needs or Asks for Assistance in Defending Their Rights

People's Rights is a network of united neighbors assisting each other in defending their rights. The network is growing and more people are uniting daily. So, what do we actually need to do when someone needs or asks for help? This article should help you know what to do and the steps you should take to assist your neighbor.

What should you do when someone needs or asks for assistance in defending their rights? 

The first thing any one should do before taking action to assist someone in defending their rights is determined if the person wants you to assist them or not. (Remember, it is their right that is being violated, not yours.) There are situations when the person cannot communicate and you will need to determine if you are going to assist them anyway. These situations may include the person is being detained or incapacitated in some way. If the person does not want you to assist them, then you should not. If the person does, and has communicated this desire to you, then the following steps and actions should be considered:

  1. Assess if the person's rights are legitimately being violated or threatened.  Answer the question, "Is the person's life, liberty or justly-acquired property being taken or controlled by someone else?"  (Remember, a person's life and body is their property, and so is their liberty.)  If the answer is YES, then go to the next step.  If the answer is NO, then do nothing.

  2. Determine who the perpetrator is.  Answer the question, "Who is the person(s) violating the right(s)?" (Remember, to have a crime, there must exist both a victim and a perpetrator.) Determining the victim and the perpetrator is one of the most important processes you must work through before assisting someone in defending their rights. You must be impartial in determining who the bad actor(s) is/are. We must NOT become a people that falsely accuse or act rash. We must be objective, and not allow emotions to dictate "the truth". Finding the perpetrator(s) involved in a situation may take some effort. Remember, if a person participates in the unjustly taking of someone else's life, liberty or property then they are the perpetrator. A perpetrator cannot be a group, such as "the government", a entire corporation or a collection of nameless or unknown people.  Perpetrators can only be individual people, acting on their own, or in direct and immediate cooperation with other individual people.  You will need to find the individual or individuals that are most culpable and focus your efforts towards them.  Once you have identified who the victim and perpetrator(s) are, CONTINUE to the next step.

  3. Determine if the violation involves the law.  Answer the question, "Is 'the law' being used to violate the persons right(s)?" If the answer is YES, then go to the next step. If the answer is NO, then skip to Step 5.

  4. Determine if due process has been granted.  Answer the question, "Has the person been given JUST due process of law?"  Just due process of law can only be accomplished by the People, not those that work for government. Constitutional due process culminates with a jury of the People, during a fair, public and speedy trial. A judge may help administer the process, but it must be the jury (the People) that determines guilt, not a judge, prosecutor or those working for the government. So, has the person received JUST due process?  If the answer is NO, go to the next step.  If the answer is YES, then do nothing.

  5. Determine if the threat is imminent.  Answer the question, "Is a violation of the person's right(s) immediately happening or about to happen?" If YES, then go to the next step.  If NO, then skip to step 7.

  6. Immediate action necessary.  When a threat is imminent you should activate the People's Rights Network and inform those in the local Area to act in the physical defense of the person as quickly as possible. This does not necessarily mean violence will be needed.  There are many peaceful ways to unite and act in the physical defense of a person - do everything possible to defend without using excessive force. If the violation warrants force, and non-peaceful measures are required in order to defend the victim, then the least amount of force necessary should be used to secure the person's right(s).

  7. Rights are secure or stable.  As soon as the right is secure or at least stable, then personal accountability must be communicated to, and placed upon the most culpable perpetrator(s).  Personal accountability is what changes the direction of a perpetrator. The more personally accountable the perpetrator(s) feel for violating a right, the more likely they will be to discontinue the violation. However, before any direct action against the perpetrator(s) can be taken, you must perform the next step.

  8. Notice to Cease & Desist.  You must give NOTICE TO CEASE AND DESIST to those responsible for violating, or will be violating the right(s) of someone else. Before any imminent action is taken, the perpetrator(s) should be given the opportunity to understand, stop and to correct their actions. Official notices are accustomed to natural law, common law and are biblical. The notice should be officially served, sent through certified mail or hand-delivered while being recorded. (See example of Notice to Cease & Desist in Update 1 below). 

  9. Increase personal accountability.  If the perpetrator(s) does not end the violation(s) after receiving the Official Notice; here is a partial list of things that can be done to put personal accountability upon a perpetrator(s): 
    • Create a 1-4 page chronological summary detailing the perpetrator(s) violation(s), send it to him/her and make it public (this is one of the most effective tools needed). See Examples:   Bugli Family,   Hammond Family,   Rick Koerber 
    • Post on social media giving accurate evidence and links of the perpetrator(s) violation(s).
    • File a report with the County Sheriff's Office and officially have the perpetrator(s) served with the report.
    • Activate People in the Area (People's Rights Network) and demonstrate at the perpetrator(s) house(s).
    • Pass out accurate information (flyers) of the violation(s) to the perpetrator(s) neighbors.
    • Contact the perpetrator(s) supervisor at his/her place of income and explain the perpetrator(s) violation(s).
    • File a complaint in the local or federal court and have the perpetrator(s) served with the court documents.
    • Contact the perpetrator(s) church and inform his/her ecclesiastical leader of the violation(s).
    • Activate People in the Area and demonstrate at the perpetrator(s) place of income.
    • Write or run ads in the local newspaper explaining the perpetrator(s) violation(s).
    • Ponder and pray about other ways to put personal accountability on the perpetrator(s) and then act on it.

10. Violations continue.  If the perpetrator(s) does not end the violation(s) after the above actions have taken place, then........We the People have no mechanism to bring justice, so we must build it. (See the Justice System) 



Jan 20, 2021 Jan 23, 2021
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/what-to-do-when-someone-needs-or-asks-for-assistance-in-defending-their-rights/6a224e28-d2db-4e0c-aab7-79b7435bd66f/4448c06d-f0a4-410a-bba5-f3ed839ad4d2 https://pplsrghts.net/6a224e28-d2db-4e0c-aab7-79b7435bd66f/4448c06d-f0a4-410a-bba5-f3ed839ad4d2 Permalink (Alt)



__[Victim’s Name]___________ 


___[Perpetrator’s Name]_____

___[Home Address]_________

___[Phone Number]_________




Re: [Summarize damages and violations] 

Dear _______[perpetrator]_______,   

This letter has been served as notice of your unwarranted harassment activities, or the equivalent thereof, that has been on-going in recent weeks. 

Therefore, you are required to cease and desist all acts, including but not limited to: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

If you do not cease all related acts, lawful personal accountability will be commenced against you. This may include but not limited to: 

Posting on social media giving accurate evidence and links of your violation(s); Filing a criminal report with the County Sheriff's Office; Activating People to demonstrate at your home; Passing out accurate information (flyers) of your violation(s) to your neighbors; Contacting your supervisor at your place of income to explain your violation(s); Filing a violations warning in the local or federal courts; Contacting your ecclesiastical leader to inform them of your violation(s); Activating People in the Area and demonstrate at your place of income. Run ads in the local newspaper explaining your violation(s).

Due to the aforementioned harm you have caused me, this cease and desist shall serve as a pre-suit letter demanding that you provide me written assurance within 5 days that you will refrain from further actions that could be deemed as a continuance of the violation(s). 

If you do not comply with this cease and desist letter within the aforementioned time period then a lawsuit may be filed in the proper jurisdiction (federal, state or common law) seeking monetary damages as well as pursuing all available lawful remedies for your personal actions against me.  




notice-to-cease-and-desist.docx (15 KB)

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