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The Future Food False Flag

The People's Rights Newsroom is peppered with numerous articles with numerous examples how our food supply is being metaphorically attacked, corrupted & destroyed so this article is a compilation of that plus updated information of the latest tactics of these psychopathical maniacs who expect us to eat critters which are scripturally forbidden while they feast on foods of which they intend to deny us.

The food supply is under attack. But by whom? And for what purpose? Find out the dirty truth about the global food crisis and how the powers-that-shouldn't-be are trying to use this crisis as an opportunity to usher in the Great Food Reset on today's fast-paced edition of The Corbett Report podcast.


That heifer demonstrating how she eats grasshoppers & "thoroughly" enjoys them - right - just like Fauci took the clot shot.  How ignorant they must think we are.

Kathryn Vickerman

State Assistant

Area 8


Bill Gates partners with Pentagon to engineer GMO insects for human consumption

Aug 8, 2024 Aug 8, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/47f6f3f9-5afb-4815-9024-8a767cc45012 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/47f6f3f9-5afb-4815-9024-8a767cc45012 Permalink (Alt)

Mr. Global (or their A.I) has been deleting valuable health & other information from journals & internet in order to CONTROL what information THEY want us to have access to see:  

"Warning Medical Journals are Being DELETED" Doc says  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jstvM1KYjo

NOW Mr. "Gates of Hell" is partnering with the PENTAGON to engineer insects for human consumption!  That means US!

Trump is considering putting elite CEO's & corporations in his cabinet if he's elected?  He did that LAST presidency &, when he went to "drain the swamp" found the White House filled with SWAMP creatures.  THIS is NOT innocent, ignorance OR an accident!  Beginning to feel like we're being railroaded? 

I haven't voted since we had a chance to ban the illegal voting machines which didn't get done & remain  apolitical.  My intent is simply provide facts for my brothers & sisters to decide for yourselves.  I realize that the alternative to Trump, IMHO, is NOT an alternative.  

SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE.  The MORE informed people are, the MORE they can confront the political zoo & CALL THEM OUT - EXPOSE their agenda.  It's easy to get caught up in the emotional election fan fare.  Take time to step back, look at the facts objectively.  EVERYONE answers to someone.  Who are these candidates answering to?  Obama?  Clinton?  The Deep State?  WHO IS the Deep State?  Are they non-citizens of any country?  Aliens?  Non-Terrestrials?  Or just a fictious entity?  Certainly enough deaths have been accredited, maybe erroneously, to it.

Not only look at the questions presented for the political zoo to answer but also THE QUESTIONS NOT ALLOWED TO PRESENT WHICH REMAIN UNANSWERED?

They're actors on a stage, a one party horse in a two-party race.  No matter which one 'wins' - "THEY" win.  If We The People (while 'We' still exist) play our cards right, 'WE' will win.  Step back.  Divorce our minds from the hype in order to observe objectively.  Meet with other patriots, share & LISTEN to facts - not opinions or emotions.

THIS election may be the LAST WE EVER HAVE.  Is this alone well worth the time & effort?





Action Alert: Planned Shutdown of Raw Milk Farmers (USE THE FORM LINKED IN THIS ARTICLE!)

Aug 8, 2024 Aug 8, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/2d353c02-94fb-4ca6-81d3-a7e6676df534 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/2d353c02-94fb-4ca6-81d3-a7e6676df534 Permalink (Alt)


This article is from a Watchman;s report I'd posted but I wanted torepost it HERE because it has information on how Mr Global  is attempting to use the infamous & INACCURATE PCR to "test" for the bird flu.   (Are these psychopaths testing us to see how SHORT our MEMORIES are?)  JUST AS WAS WITH the C*VID fakedemic  - the "bird flu fakedemic is a VIRUS & DOES NOT have an isolate in order to test it.  USING A PCR TO TEST FOR ANYTHING DOES not IINDICATE ANYTHING PER THE INVENTOR KERRY MULLIS (WHO died shortly after publicly "calling" Dr "Ouchy" out on claiming to use the pcr to diagnose c*vid.)   Many people purportedly were "diagnosed" as having c*vid using this 'test' which notoriously produced false positives regularly & could be manipulated to do so.  LET'S DON'T MAKE THAT SAME MISTAKE.  

Action Alert: Planned Shutdown of Raw Milk Farmers

On June 6, the FDA wrote to all state public health and agriculture agencies advising them on the need to “collectively work to address new developments related to the presence of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5N1 (HPAI H5N1) in dairy cattle.”

Although admitting that  “. . . we do not know at this time if the HPAI H5N1 virus can be transmitted to humans through consumption of raw milk and products made from raw milk from infected cows,” the agency recommends that health and agriculture departments “Distribute messaging to the public about the health risks of consuming raw milk and raw milk products” and “[i]mplement a surveillance testing program in your state to identify the presence of HPAI H5N1 virus in dairy herds that might be engaged in producing raw milk for intrastate saleThe FDA and USDA will provide “technical assistance” in sampling and testing.

Their motive is clearly stated: “For states that permit the sale of raw milk within their state, use regulatory authorities or implement other measures, as appropriate, to stop the sale of raw milk that may present a risk to consumers.”

We can assume from this memo that raw milk farmers will be receiving visits from officials wanting to test their milk for a non-existent virus using a bogus testing method, just as they have done for flocks of chickens.

Fortunately, some chicken farmers have avoided this testing and prevented the slaughter of their animals by insisting that inspectors fill out two questionnaires.

  1. Inspector Information form to obtain the names and contact information of those visiting their farm (link below).
  2. Questionnaire for Inspector, which asks for proof of successful isolation of the bird flu virus, proof of contagious nature of the bird flu virustype of test that will be used and contact information of the lab that will be doing the testing (link below).

Obviously, no inspector will be able to provide the information requested on the form, information that is the farmer’s right to have.  The hope is that they will leave and never come back – as they have PREVIOUSLY with astute chicken farmers.

ACTION TO TAKE: Please share these forms with your raw milk producer.  We hope that these measures will prevent the FDA’s planned shutdown of raw milk farmers.

Sincerely yours,

Sally Fallon Morell, President

The Weston A. Price Foundation


* * * * * * * * * * *   Virus FAQs with Dr. Samantha Bailey and Dr. Mark Bailey * * ** * * * * * * 

How can we be sure viruses don’t exist? What about the “patient 0” who transmits diseases at the start of nearly every pandemic? And do germs and microorganisms exist? What’s making us sick, if not these things? Dr. Samantha and Dr. Mark Bailey are the authors of “The Final Pandemic” and today they answer frequently asked questions about viruses. They explain how the medical community has been unable to prove that viruses make us sick or that they even exist in the first place. They also answer questions about the use of antibiotics and about whether germ theory and terrain theory can possibly coexist.

Visit Sam and Mark’s website: drsambailey.com

Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation

It will be interesting to see what means the globalists are going to claim they’re using for THIS Fakedemic.  Fauci lied about the effectiveness of the PCR test in diagnosing C-19.  The inventor & Nobel Prize winner for inventing the PCR, Kary Mullis, publicly called Fauci out on his lie & quickly set the record straight that the PCR test canNOT diagnose ANYTHING.  Mr. Mullis died shortly thereafter.  


FOOD PRICES are high ..This will take them HIGHER!

Aug 6, 2024 Aug 6, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/e3cc51f6-64eb-4da4-8ebf-8660a34b9500 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/e3cc51f6-64eb-4da4-8ebf-8660a34b9500 Permalink (Alt)

I am connecting some dots on why the food system in America is under attack. We have our lowest beef levels in history and farmers are being priced out of farming ....equals HIGHER PRICES FOR FOOD        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSN0g7orQG4&t=257s

FYI:  These are the comments of the producer of the video.  My comments are usually BELOW the link to the video, in italics & another font/color and/or highlighted followed by my initials KV or my entire name.



This well make the ALREADY HIGH food prices even h\HIGHER!

Aug 4, 2024 Aug 4, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/655fc528-a1d4-4930-b819-927b8da41aff https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/655fc528-a1d4-4930-b819-927b8da41aff Permalink (Alt)

FOOD PRICES are high ..This will take them HIGHER!

I am connecting some dots on why the food system in America is under attack. We have our lowest beef levels in history and farmers are being priced out of farming ....equals HIGHER PRICES FOR FOOD 




FOOD PRICES are about to SKYROCKET! All by design..

Aug 2, 2024 Aug 2, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/caa8cee5-3793-4fc6-b355-19d36e93e580 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/caa8cee5-3793-4fc6-b355-19d36e93e580 Permalink (Alt)

I am connecting some dots on why the food system in America is under attack. We have our lowest beef levels in history and farmers are being priced out of farming ....equals HIGHER PRICES FOR FOOD  


Doug is a TRUE information warrior for all of us homestead homies as well as those who remain in the ciyirs for whatever reason (God has a purpose for us all),  Listen to the facts Doug presents.  He's got the facts & a couple of others for you.  Sound the alarm.  SHARE THIS!  REMEMBER CASH IS KING.  NO CREDIT CARDS, debit cards or QR codes.



ALERT! US Military Spraying TOXIC pesticides on RESIDENTIAL AREAS! Tests show up to 80% less pollinators

Jul 31, 2024 Jul 31, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/4d6bae6f-9b12-4985-b28e-363c6e25e7ff https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/4d6bae6f-9b12-4985-b28e-363c6e25e7ff Permalink (Alt)

You can not have a garden without bugs and pollinators! We have proof they are spraying the skies and with the 5 g our insects are dying!! NO INSECTS NO FOOD so lets keep a record under this video on what you are noticing in your area.



THE NON-GMO SCAM! Just FYI or reminder: NON-GMO

Jul 26, 2024 Jul 26, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/ba75d30d-fd72-4d0c-a8d3-588626b46288 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/ba75d30d-fd72-4d0c-a8d3-588626b46288 Permalink (Alt)

Just another ploy in an attempt to deceive innocent people.into thinking this may just be another type of label indicating the contents are organic.  Things we see routinely become commonplace that we may need a reminder.  



Engineered FAMINE (Holodomor): UK farmers are being paid to destroy food crops

Jul 26, 2024 Jul 26, 2024
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/cd144747-a91f-4560-a607-1228121bf58e https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/cd144747-a91f-4560-a607-1228121bf58e Permalink (Alt)


In the spirit of the Soviet Union's Holodomor of 1932, the UK government has implemented a scheme that pays farmers NOT to grow food. This preposterous move has riled up controversy and disturbed farmers across the UK, hearkening to the days when government's intentionally starved populations for... 

By NewsTarget.com // Read the full story  (Cntrl+Click for link)



BEEF Prices Hit ALL TIME HIGHS! - Grains Up Too!

Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/21db4e88-ec11-428b-89f5-89cc12059e84 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/21db4e88-ec11-428b-89f5-89cc12059e84 Permalink (Alt)

Cattle Futures hit all time highs last week and it was barely mentioned by the media.  Prices of everything are still going up!



U.S. Government RAIDS Another AMISH FARMER! • He Needs YOUR HELP!

Sep 6, 2023 Sep 6, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/8499d003-de22-47c5-bfd4-7e167c7a5fee https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/8499d003-de22-47c5-bfd4-7e167c7a5fee Permalink (Alt)

I'm certain you guys remember the stand off Amish farmer Amos Miller had with the Fraud & Death Administration & this one is no different.  Same song - different tune.  More lies, more control, more harassment & no justice or liberty - just more enslavement.  THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO PRODUCE OUR OWN FOOD & SET UP COMMNITY NETWORKS BARTERING WITH ONE ANOTHER FOR GOODS & SERVICES & HAVING REGULAR P.R. MEETINGS.  

We, in Missouri, seem to have a "for the People governor & some great representatives & senators - at least for now - so take advantage of that support and strengthen our network with regular meetings so we'll be prepared & not scratching & clawing to survive like our brothers & sisters in Maui.  But they hae a history of helping each other - which is what we should do as well but not forget about them so far away - keep them close in our hearts & do what we can.  Everyone is feeling the repercussions of this corrupt government but do what you can.  We may well end up in their shoes & positive gestures, I feel, will come back to you.  We must let our blessings flow so God can continue to bless us otherwise those blessings stagnate.  Remember - things have no meaning unless they're shared.


Golden Valley Farms Donate: https://www.givesendgo.com/goldenvall...



Genetically Modified Soil Microbes May Have ‘Irreversible Consequences’ — New Report

Sep 3, 2023 Sep 3, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/69436499-a1b4-4042-bc16-724d6959bbcb https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/69436499-a1b4-4042-bc16-724d6959bbcb Permalink (Alt)

A plan by major agrochemical companies to develop genetically engineered soil microbes to act as pesticides and fertilizers is an “open-air genetic experiment that may have irreversible consequences,” according to a report published Tuesday by Friends of the Earth. 

A plan by major agrochemical companies to develop genetically engineered (GE) soil microbes, including bacteria and fungi, to act as pesticides and fertilizers is raising concerns about the unknown and potentially disastrous risks associated with the new organisms, according to a report published Tuesday by Friends of the Earth.

Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta and BASF are among the chemical giants known to be developing the microbes which, according to the report, are fundamentally different from the already controversial genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that have existed for decades.

Read full article here:  https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/genetically-modified-soil-microbes/

Kathryn Vickerman

Stat Assistant

Missouri 8


India’s rice export ban triggers panic buying in US

Jul 25, 2023 Jul 25, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/ce275c7e-6b71-4db9-9307-0540460f58e1 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/ce275c7e-6b71-4db9-9307-0540460f58e1 Permalink (Alt)

The ban on exports of non-basmati white rice has triggered panic buying among the Indian diaspora and other Asian communities across the US.



Dangerous NANOPARTICLE in our Food?

Jul 21, 2023 Jul 21, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/c9e7e722-e0f3-4bbc-a051-08b132db97b5 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/c9e7e722-e0f3-4bbc-a051-08b132db97b5 Permalink (Alt)

Italian bakery launches Great Reset bread line made from insect “flour”

Jul 19, 2023 Jul 19, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/6d503803-2b30-4ccf-9aa1-64d85f1f1bad https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/6d503803-2b30-4ccf-9aa1-64d85f1f1bad Permalink (Alt)

Insects and worms are NOT safe or nutritious for human consumption

Some EU countries are already using processed crickets in other food products. Falco, a company based in Alife, Southern Italy, now sells crackers made from cricket powder. 

See full article here:


Kathryn Vickerman

State Assistant

Missouri 8


8 brands of butter wrappers found to contain high levels of “forever chemicals”. Is your favorite on the list?

Jul 19, 2023 Jul 19, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/c035be91-a46e-4f65-8d75-106c2cf97abd https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/c035be91-a46e-4f65-8d75-106c2cf97abd Permalink (Alt)

Mamavation in partnership with Environmental Health News (EHN) sponsored a study that shows 50 percent of 32 butter wrappers from 22 popular brands tested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are loaded with fluorine, a PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) chemical known to damage human health. 

According to an EPA-certified lab, total levels of fluorine in 16 of the butter wrappers ranged from 11 parts per million (ppm) to 112 ppm. Fluorine, by the way, is linked to everything from cancer to birth defects. 

Pete Myers, chief scientist at Environmental Health Sciences, the group that publishes EHN, reviewed the findings before publishing to ensure their legitimacy. EHN and Mamavation then added them to a growing library of consumer products that have been tested for PFAS, including products like pasta and tomato sauces, contact lenses, sports bras, tampons, dental floss, and electrolytes. 

Read entire article:  https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-07-17-eight-butter-brands-forever-chemicals-pfas.html

Kathryn Vickerman

State Assistant

Missouri 8


13 Nations agree to engineer global FAMINE by destroying agriculture,

Jul 18, 2023 Jul 18, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/5139471f-3cdb-4318-b185-86fd21aaed29 https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/5139471f-3cdb-4318-b185-86fd21aaed29 Permalink (Alt)

We are now being told that producing food is bad for the planet. To "save" the planet, globalists insist, farms must be shut down across the globe.

Under the guise of reducing "methane emissions," thirteen nations have signed a pledge to engineer global famine by gutting agricultural production and shutting down farms. Announced earlier this year by the Global Methane Hub -- a cabal of crisis engineers who exploit public panic to destroy the world food supply -- those thirteen nations are:

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru, Spain, the United States, and Uruguay.

Imagine no meat production from Australia, Brazil and the USA. This is the goal of the globalists. And they admit it's all part of the climate fraud which has been thoroughly exposed as a quack science hoax, by the way. As Luis Planas, Spain's Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food says, "I am glad to see the shared commitment by the international community to mitigate methane emissions from agriculture as a means to achieve the goals we signed for in the Paris Agreement on climate."

"Food systems are responsible for 60% of methane emissions," warns Marcelo Mena, CEO of the Global Methane Hub. She is saying that farming is destroying the planet. Hence, their demand to shut down farms. Without farms, you have no food. And without food, you get exactly what Kamala Harris called for over the weekend: "Reduced population."

The depopulation agenda is no longer even a secret. They are bragging about it.

And here's their logic: FOOD = GLOBAL WARMING. So they are attacking food and shutting it down.

Cows and chickens to be replaced by crickets and insect larvae

Enjoy the crunchy fake meat patties and Cricket McNuggets. Soon, you'll be eating bugs because meat will be wildly unaffordable due to the governments shutting down farms and ranches. As journalist Leo Hohmann explains:

We can presume from this language that among the practices being considered are replacing a major portion of the beef and dairy cattle, pork and chicken stocks that populations rely on for protein with insect larvae, meal worms, crickets, etc. The U.N., World Economic Forum and other NGOs have been promoting meatless diets and the consumption of insect protein for years, and billionaires have invested in massive insect factories being built in the state of Illinois, in Canada and in the Netherlands, where meal worms, crickets and other bugs will be processed as additives to be inserted into the food supply, often without clear labels that will inform people of exactly what they are eating.

Hohmann also refers to the Deagel forecast which projects an almost 70 percent reduction of the U.S. population by 2025, saying:

There is no more efficient way to depopulate than through war, famine and plagues. Isn’t it interesting that all three of these time-tested methods of murder are in play right now?

In a related story, Michael Snyder from The Economic Collapse Blog writes:

Global food supplies just keep getting even tighter, and global hunger has risen to extremely alarming levels... According to the United Nations, nearly 30 percent of the global population does not have constant access to food right now, and there are approximately 900 million people that are facing “severe food insecurity”…

Learn more about engineered global famine in today's Brighteon Broadcast News episode, which will appear in this article before 12 noon, central time, USA. (Refresh at that time to see the full episode.) 


The TOXIC Avocado?!?! you won't believe it...

May 16, 2023 May 16, 2023
https://www.peoplesrights.ws/news?/the-future-food-false-flag/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/ac97a95a-7eca-466c-a8bd-0c7d8568feba https://pplsrghts.net/56ed4943-22be-4c25-93b7-6fbdf69fb4b1/ac97a95a-7eca-466c-a8bd-0c7d8568feba Permalink (Alt)

This has to do with Bill Gates from hell's latest invention to poison our food even further & not even be able to wash the toxins off - even organic food will have it.  The first part of the video will have most of the information on that along with some pointers to help us protect ourselves from purchasing this toxic food.  Since the "informed consent" bill didn't pass our legislature - thanks to the money-hungry lobbyists & deals being made with the GMO producers & so forth, it is going to be even more difficult for us to obtain food safe to eat.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZMRNguNRoE

Will keep you guys informed as I come across any further helpful information.


Kathryn Vickerman

State Assistant


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